Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Vaccine Ingredients - Aborted Fetal Tissue

Chiropractors are not "Anti-vaccine specialists." Yet, as one of the very few voices for a baby or child that cannot speak up for themselves, we are clearly called to speak up about how these mass injections have the very great potential to destroy a life.

As a Chiropractor, we stand for the sanctity of the human body and in support of that natural progression of health and immune function. By injecting all kinds of toxins and chemicals into new born babies and children life on the planet as we know it has been greatly threatened.

The money involved and the vested interest of school boards and politicians is so great. We are seeing more and more and more vaccines added to the schedule. Before we let this continue, we need to spend more time educating people on what real, acquired immunity looks like, what is in these vaccines and what that does to a body short, medium, and long term. We want to encourage you to become an expert in vaccines. We believe the more you read, the more committed you will be to encouraging others to become informed and THINK as well.

You may not know where the viruses come from that are inject in our children. They come from abortions. With so many of our readers being Christian and so many Chiropractors regardless of religious belief being "For Life" this will be of great interest. MOST IMPORTANTLY, Chiropractic offers a certain, sound, safe, short, medium, and long term way to maximize immunity and promote health regardless of the pathogens in our environment. Adjustments and a nutrition class is a much more effective way to deal with Rubella or the Swine Flu than covering your mouth when you cough, washing your hands seven times day, and injecting aborted fetuses into your blood stream.

During the Rubella epidemic of 1964, some doctors advised pregnant women who were exposed to the disease to abort their children. The resulting virus strain became known in the science world as RA/27/3. R stands for Rubella, A stands for Abortus, 27 stands for the 27th fetus tested, and 3 stands for the 3rd tissue explant. In other words, there were 26 abortions prior to finding the right "species" with the active virus. The Rubella vaccine was then cultivated from the 27th aborted baby on the lung tissue of yet another aborted infant, WI-38. WI-38 (Wistar Institute 38) was taken from the lung tissue of an aborted baby at 3 months gestation in the 1960s. A second human cell line known as MRC-5 was derived from a male at 14 weeks gestation in the 1970s. These two aborted cell lines have been used to provide an ongoing source for many widely-used vaccines, including Hepatitis-A and chicken pox.

The chicken pox vaccine is known as Varivax. This vaccine was developed with the use of aborted fetuses. It uses both the human cell lines, known as WI-38 and MRC-5. The chicken pox vaccine also contains MSG (monosodium glutamate). According to the Food and Drug Administration, MSG is not advised for use in infants, children, or pregnant women or children of child-bearing age, and people with affective (mental/emotional) disorders. Dr. A. Lavin of the Department of Pediatrics at St. Luke's Medical Center in Cleveland, Ohio, strongly opposes the chicken pox vaccine.

Studies show that up to 3% of chicken pox vaccine recipients actually contract chicken pox from the vaccine and some chicken pox cases may be contracted from recently vaccinated children. Some studies suggest that chicken pox in a vaccinated child may be milder than in an unvaccinated child. However, some experts also believe that this may be due to the vaccine suppressing the illness, which can actually signal a more serious underlying chronic condition. "Atypical measles" is a disease that occurs only in people previously vaccinated for measles, and it is far more serious than regular measles. It is yet unknown if "atypical chicken pox" cases will appear as a result of the use of Varivax.

In addition to aborted fetuses, vaccines contain formaldehyde, aspartame, aluminum hydroxide, thimerosal (mercury), MSG, rhesus monkey fetal lung cells, chicken embryo, bovine fetal serum, vesicle fluid from calf skins, phenol (a compound obtained by distillation of coal tar), and guinea pig embryo cells. Most are unstudied as to how they adversely affect the individual when put directly into the bloodstream, nor how they react in combination.

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