Monday, December 21, 2009

The Great Deception


"Pharmaceutical industry is a giant fraud

The pharmaceutical industry, as operated today, is based almost entirely on scientific fraud, bribery of doctors, misleading advertising and corrupt regulatory agencies like the FDA. Most prescription medications simply don't help most people. They only mask symptoms while ignoring the underlying causes of disease.

Nearly all pharmaceuticals are sold with the Big Lie... the implied (but false) promise that "These drugs will make you healthier." That's why drug ads always show happy, healthy people popping their pills. (Well, technically they never even show them popping the pills. They just show them doing yoga, hiking in the woods, or whatever looks good.)

I can't think of a single pharmaceutical that actually makes you healthier. Almost universally, prescription medications cause long-term damage to the heart, liver, kidneys and nervous system. Over time, they erode your health, accelerate your apparent aging and promote chronic degenerative disease."

Couldn't have said it better myself. Health is something you work on and work towards. It isn't contained in a pill, liquid, or vaccine. We all know that if you put toxic chemicals in a pond, the fish will die...why can we not figure out that the same things happen with our bodies? Everyday I see people looking in the wrong places for health, when the truth is that the promise of health is within each one of us.

Here is an article where children can get a pizza party for taking their swine flu shots. I did not believe this article was real, it is almost completely unfathomable that companies are enticing children to get injected.

WWake up people! Your health is yours to nurture or lose. Your body is always moving towards health & wellness, or towards sickness & death. If your determination is that you are moving the wrong way, I invite you to make a change, and I am here for you.

Dr. Cole

Monday, December 7, 2009

Nothing Worth Having Comes Easy, and that Includes Your Health

This Christmas season, I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to serve the community as a guide, coach, and teacher of health and healing. I've been seeing more and more mental lightbulbs turn on this year as people are beginning to take charge of their health, and understand that pharmaceutical companies are not benevolent-driven, but are profit-driven enterprises.

The mass cultural hypnosis that has gotten sucked into the medical model of symptom treating is following the smooth, flat, easy path that requires no personal effort. Therefore, it is no surprise that it does not produce health. Those choosing chiropractic are pursuing health, following the narrow, challenging, and ultimately rewarding path. Our health is our individual responsibility, and symptom treating is not health care, it is sick care. When you use sick care as health care, you end up with a sick society and a health care crisis.

Since the 1960's we have annually increased our consumption of drugs and surgery. Guess what...since the 1960's we have progressively gotten sicker and sicker as a nation. Who thinks we need more drugs and surgery? Currently, the US ranks 37th in overall health while it spends more than any other country on health care and consumes over 90% of the worlds pharmaceuticals!

Health is largely wisdom that was passed down through generations (eat well, move well, think well). At some point, our common sense was taken away by convenience, advertising, and marketing. The secret to a healthy life and feeling young is to keep your body moving properly so it does not deteriorate prematurely (chiropractic adjustments, exercise, good posture), eating from nature's medicine cabinet (raw fruits and vegetables, grass-fed & hormone free meat), and maintaining hope, faith, and an optimistic outlook (translation: TURN OFF THE NEWS!)

What I'm trying to get to is that drugs and doctors do not heal (that is right, chiropractors included). Only the power within your body, and your Creator can heal. As the developer of chiropractic stated, "Nature needs no help, just no interference."

As a chiropractor, I remove the interference so your body can flourish.

In Health,

Dr. Cole

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

I wanted to wish you all a very happy Thanksgiving this year. Amidst all the turmoil, we have a lot to be thankful for, and it is always good to take time and count your blessings.

As I was taking inventory of life this morning, I realized how thankful I am to be serving the community doing what I love. It is because of all our practice members that I am able to live my dream. So I want to send out a big thank you to everyone who is supporting our mission of a healthy community that is not dependent on drugs and surgery. Many have realized that we are stuck in a sick care model that cannot bring us health, and have taken personal responsibility to create change.

Nothing makes me happier than seeing someone "get it" and be empowered by that knowledge. Happy Thanksgiving!

May you always have work for your hands to do.
May your pockets hold always a coin or two.
May the sun shine bright on your windowpane.
May the rainbow be certain to follow each rain.
May the hand of a friend always be near you.
And may God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.
--- Irish Blessing

Dr. Cole

Monday, November 16, 2009



1.) Study of 2,818 patients found chiropractic care significantly improved patients' well being: Seventy-six percent of the patients studied reported improved combined wellness changes in all categories assessed, emotional well being improved 26 percent, negative feelings toward self improved 23 percent, depression improved 20 percent, difficulty sleeping improved 11 percent and family relations improved 21 percent.

2.) A published 15 person study concluded "that a positive relationship exists between a correction of the occipitoatlantoaxial subluxation complex and a reduction in depressive symptoms in some people".

3.) Another 98 subject study published in Molecular Psychiatry found that when an addiction treatment program was supplemented with frequent chiropractic adjustments over a 30-day period, the patients displayed an unprecedented 100 percent program completion rate. In addition, initially rampant depression and anxiety dropped significantly.

4.) From the 1920s to 1960s, several chiropractic mental asylums existed in the Midwest of the U.S. Surviving documentation shows a North Dakota judge reporting a 65% recovery or improvement rate at one asylum, compared to 27% at a standard asylum.
Chiropractic has also amassed a sizable collection of case studies documenting drastic results in: ADD/ADHD, Depression, Bi-Polar Diagnosis, Tourettes, Autism Diagnosis and other neurological disorders.

5.) A related study in Journal of Neuroscience conducted at Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine, found that physical changes in the brain caused by chronic pain are likely to lead to depression as well as other pain-related symptoms. In the study, the researchers demonstrated that the wiring in the brain of someone dealing with chronic pain is different than that of pain-free individuals. In the brain of a pain-free individual, all the regions of the brain exist in a complementary state, meaning that if one region of the brain is active the other regions are at rest. But in people with chronic pain, a front region of the cortex mostly associated with emotion is constantly active.

Chiropractic Improves Brain Wave Patterns, Brain Function

A study presented at the International Research And Philosophy Symposium held at Sherman College of Straight Chiropractic in October, 2004 finds that Chiropractic adjustments have a positive effect on the Central Nervous System (CNS), specifically on the four primary frequencies of brain function.

Brain function is measured on four primary frequencies: Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta. Alpha waves reflect the meditative, relaxing healing mode. Beta waves represent the active, busy brain. Theta waves reflect light sleep, relaxation and conceptual development. Delta waves represent the brain activity during deep sleep, repair mode and energy storage.

The study was conducted over a three year period. Approximately 100 volunteers were examined with an electroencephalogram (EEG) before and after chiropractic adjustments.
The EEG scans were examined to check the right/left balance, the amount of total activity, the primary regions of activity and the effect of the adjustment.

After receiving a chiropractic adjustment, post EEG scans revealed improvement in all areas of the volunteer's brain function. Particularly, the researchers noticed an increase in the meditative Alpha brainwave patterns that are associated with a greater degree of relaxation, health and healing.

The researchers noted that some of the volunteers already had balanced and active brain scans and the adjustments had little effect on their post scans. They felt this was a good indicator that the adjustments had no negative effects on brain activity.

In Health,

Dr. Cole

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Dr. Cole on YouTube, Leave Feedback!

There will be videos frequently now. Thanks for watching and let me know what you think.

In Health,

Dr. Cole

Monday, October 26, 2009

I Thought I Had Heard it All...

Until now.

In an article titled "Simultaneous Vaccines OK" from the Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel on Oct. 19, 2009, "experts" from the Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention were asked "Is it true you must wait a while between getting a regular flu shot and a swine flu shot?

The "experts" replied: "No. In general, you can get the swine flu vaccine injection at the same time as your seasonal flu vaccination. ... But get them in different arms so the two vaccines don't intermingle."  

That is the most preposterous statement I have heard all month, maybe all year!  These are people you are supposed to listen to about your health and they are either completely clueless or intentionally deceitful.  If blood courses through you whole body, and you inject a partially live virus (attenuated) into your bloodstream, is there any possibility the two will not "intermingle" somewhere in your blood or body?  Logic dictates the answer is NO, but they want to make sure you get your shots so you can be "protected."  Let us not forget that these shots do contain Thimerosal, a mercury-containing organic compound used as a preservative.  I find it funny that the CDC also has multiple articles on the toxicity and dangers of mercury poisoning, but blindly recommends multiple vaccinations with mercury additives.  Hey, it's safe, they won't "intermingle."  

Here is the link to the article

In Health and Awareness, 

Dr. Cole

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Change Your Mind, Change Your Health

Permanent health problems result from simply treating symptoms when they arise without taking the time to address the underlying cause of the dysfunction of the body.  People will use medication for the remainder of their lives to try and comfort a dysfunctioning body.  Unfortunately this only buys comfort, not health.  This practice can cause acute or chronic health problems that are easy to correct to become irreversible (permanent).

Remember, you were born to be healthy, not sick.  Your body is always going to do the best it can with what it has at every moment.  Change your mind about health, and you will make healthier decisions naturally.  Get adjusted, eat well, exercise.  Be the picture of health in a sick world and teach others to change.  That is why I'm here, and it is what I love to do.

Together we can grow up healthy rather than try to "fix" broken bodies.

In Health and Happiness,

Dr. Cole

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Balance and Tension

1. If your spine stays out of balance, it can put tension on your nervous system
2. If you live in a state of chronic tension, then you throw your entire nervous system out of balance.

In the realm of true Health care (not symptom treating Sick care) we are responsible for maintaining and increasing our health to prevent our body from breaking down.  The harsh reality is that 90% of medical expenses and the diseases affecting most Americans are preventable lifestyle diseases.  Diabetes, Heart Disease, and Cancer are a result of years of unhealthy choices, and depending on pharmaceuticals as a backup to help you "live with the disease" is preposterous.

Knowing that we control our health is empowering.  It may seem like a daunting task to sort through all the misinformation about health, but that is why I am here.  The word Doctor is latin for Teacher.  I serve as a educator, guide, coach, and a Chiropractor dedicated to healthy living and promoting wellness by empowering people with knowledge.  If this is what you are seeking, ask for a private consultation with me.

In Health,

Dr. Cole

Monday, September 14, 2009

Healthcare Bill

The government cannot create anything, but rather it can only take things. Health care, like everything else, is ultimately made possible by business activity. What a government means when it says it is giving you something for "free" is that it is forcing you to pay for something whether you use it or not, or taking something from you to give to someone else.

Trinity Chiropractic Wellness

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

You Were Born to Be Healthy

According to common beliefs in genetics, God has a plan to give you hope and a future only if you’ve chosen your grandparents carefully. The belief is that if I have bad genetics, I’m cursed. Fortunately, science has proven that despite your genes, there is hope.

In a 2002 study called Balancing Life-style and Genomics Research for Disease Prevention, Dr. W.C. Willet revealed that only 5% of all cancer and heart disease comes from hereditary factors. The rest come from lifestyle choices such as how we think, live, eat, and deal with our health.

When it comes to cellular success, it is nurture and not nature that makes the biggest difference. The vast majority of diseases we face aren’t due to poor DNA. Single gene disorders affect less than two percent of the population. That means that 95-98% of us are born with the ability to live with outrageous health and incredible happiness. Mostly, we’re born with hope and a future. These new discoveries show us that there is an on-going creative power in our life and we are not “fated” at birth to feel a certain way, act a certain way, behave a certain way, and die a certain way at a certain time. NO. At this point we know that we have something to say about that. The diseases, depression, aches, and pain we face today are not a result of dysfunctional grandparents, but because we’ve lived and thought in such a way that created disharmony in our bodies.

God has a plan for your life; the question is “Are you on the plan?” It is your environment and not your genes that make the difference. If your lifestyle lines up with God’s plan for your body and you provide a healthy environment for your cells they will thrive. Get off of the plan and the cells falter. By the grace of God, if you’ve been causing your cells to suffer in a less than advantageous environment and they become sick, you can improve that environment so that they can become well.

God’s common sense plan for a good environment:

• Keep all your parts
• An optimal spine = optimal function
• Move
• Keep out artificial invaders as much as possible: medications, other chemicals,
and refined, artificial, chemical-laden, or genetically modified foods
• Lots of food still in their natural state

If any of the above five is ignored, it will alter this safe internal environment, throw it out of balance and cause chaos in the cellular community. This will create an incredible disadvantage to survival and reduce quality of life. It will show up as pain, depression, disease, and a failure to thrive. The quick fix of choice may be medication. While this may be necessary in emergency situations, chemicals do not create harmony, order or balance, they disrupt it. The real solution is to embrace what is necessary to get back on God’s plan once again so the body can restore, rejuvenate and heal. A plan with hope and a future.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Celebrity Fatalities - Could They Have Been Prevented?

THE HEADLINES EVERYWHERE READ: "Michael Jackson's fatal cardiac arrest: The result of psychiatric drugs and painkillers?"

In a May 2009 study (which was largely ignored by the mainstream US media) Jussi Honkola MD, at the University of Oulu in Finland, concluded that people who suffered fatal cardiac arrest were more likely to have taken antidepressants and other psychiatric drugs than those who survived.

"Our study shows that medications may negatively impact a person's chance of surviving an acute coronary event such as a heart attack," Dr. Honkola warns. "With more people taking medications such as painkillers and antidepressants, the public needs to understand the potential risks and serious consequences."

Mr. Jackson's battle with (legal) psychiatric drugs has been well documented. In court papers filed in Jackson's Santa Maria county case, Neverland security guard Chris Carter testified that Jackson was "taking ten plus Xanax pills a night."

Additionally, Jackson had been receiving daily injections of Demerol, a narcotic painkiller.

In high enough doses, Demerol can slow respiration almost to the point of suffocation, which can lead to sudden death by depriving the heart of oxygen, according to Dr. Douglas Zipes, a Cardiologist at Indiana University and past president of the American College of Cardiology. Demerol can also cause a sudden stoppage of the heart in patients who are dehydrated. The drug causes blood vessels to dilate, or expand, and dehydration would impede this stretching, leading to a dangerous drop in blood pressure and blackout, which can cause sudden death.

Interestingly, an AP release came out just days after his death, from the FDA related to eliminating certain painkillers from the market.

Between an over utilization of surgery that ruined much of his life, the medications that he was addicted to, mind altering drugs that were impacting his decision making, and the combination of these drugs that finally ended his life, Michael represents the worst of what medicine does to people. I am certainly not defending the poor guy, as I don't know anything about him, but at best - he never stood a chance.

It is unknown how Farrah Fawcett took care of herself. Being in Hollywood, it is unlikely she escaped without some overexposure to bad lifestyle and medicine. Certainly most of the people around her had severe issues. Given that she had colon cancer; chances are she was not living a Chiropractic lifestyle.

Multiply these celebrities by millions and you have the state of the nation - and quickly becoming the world. Can you imagine what it would have been like if these stars had been regular patients in a principled Chiropractor's office? They would be traveling the world at the top of their game right now, instead of passed on while millions mourn.

Our goal is to introduce a way people view and receive health care. We do this through 5 Essential components of health and wellness. Had Michael and Farrah been educated on the principle of supporting health and function as a way to look and feel your best rather than interfering with drugs and surgery, their whole life stories may have turned out differently. Certainly, with much happier endings.

--from Maximized Living

Health is an expression of our lifestyle choices. How can you possibly have health when you are always taking shortcuts by treating symptoms? Come find out the true meaning of health at

Dr. Cole

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Vaccine Ingredients - Aborted Fetal Tissue

Chiropractors are not "Anti-vaccine specialists." Yet, as one of the very few voices for a baby or child that cannot speak up for themselves, we are clearly called to speak up about how these mass injections have the very great potential to destroy a life.

As a Chiropractor, we stand for the sanctity of the human body and in support of that natural progression of health and immune function. By injecting all kinds of toxins and chemicals into new born babies and children life on the planet as we know it has been greatly threatened.

The money involved and the vested interest of school boards and politicians is so great. We are seeing more and more and more vaccines added to the schedule. Before we let this continue, we need to spend more time educating people on what real, acquired immunity looks like, what is in these vaccines and what that does to a body short, medium, and long term. We want to encourage you to become an expert in vaccines. We believe the more you read, the more committed you will be to encouraging others to become informed and THINK as well.

You may not know where the viruses come from that are inject in our children. They come from abortions. With so many of our readers being Christian and so many Chiropractors regardless of religious belief being "For Life" this will be of great interest. MOST IMPORTANTLY, Chiropractic offers a certain, sound, safe, short, medium, and long term way to maximize immunity and promote health regardless of the pathogens in our environment. Adjustments and a nutrition class is a much more effective way to deal with Rubella or the Swine Flu than covering your mouth when you cough, washing your hands seven times day, and injecting aborted fetuses into your blood stream.

During the Rubella epidemic of 1964, some doctors advised pregnant women who were exposed to the disease to abort their children. The resulting virus strain became known in the science world as RA/27/3. R stands for Rubella, A stands for Abortus, 27 stands for the 27th fetus tested, and 3 stands for the 3rd tissue explant. In other words, there were 26 abortions prior to finding the right "species" with the active virus. The Rubella vaccine was then cultivated from the 27th aborted baby on the lung tissue of yet another aborted infant, WI-38. WI-38 (Wistar Institute 38) was taken from the lung tissue of an aborted baby at 3 months gestation in the 1960s. A second human cell line known as MRC-5 was derived from a male at 14 weeks gestation in the 1970s. These two aborted cell lines have been used to provide an ongoing source for many widely-used vaccines, including Hepatitis-A and chicken pox.

The chicken pox vaccine is known as Varivax. This vaccine was developed with the use of aborted fetuses. It uses both the human cell lines, known as WI-38 and MRC-5. The chicken pox vaccine also contains MSG (monosodium glutamate). According to the Food and Drug Administration, MSG is not advised for use in infants, children, or pregnant women or children of child-bearing age, and people with affective (mental/emotional) disorders. Dr. A. Lavin of the Department of Pediatrics at St. Luke's Medical Center in Cleveland, Ohio, strongly opposes the chicken pox vaccine.

Studies show that up to 3% of chicken pox vaccine recipients actually contract chicken pox from the vaccine and some chicken pox cases may be contracted from recently vaccinated children. Some studies suggest that chicken pox in a vaccinated child may be milder than in an unvaccinated child. However, some experts also believe that this may be due to the vaccine suppressing the illness, which can actually signal a more serious underlying chronic condition. "Atypical measles" is a disease that occurs only in people previously vaccinated for measles, and it is far more serious than regular measles. It is yet unknown if "atypical chicken pox" cases will appear as a result of the use of Varivax.

In addition to aborted fetuses, vaccines contain formaldehyde, aspartame, aluminum hydroxide, thimerosal (mercury), MSG, rhesus monkey fetal lung cells, chicken embryo, bovine fetal serum, vesicle fluid from calf skins, phenol (a compound obtained by distillation of coal tar), and guinea pig embryo cells. Most are unstudied as to how they adversely affect the individual when put directly into the bloodstream, nor how they react in combination.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

To Live a Long and Happy Life We Must Change

I just read a research paper from Medical Examiners in Florida stating that prescription medication (legal drugs) kills 300% more Americans than Illegal drugs annually. Why do we as a nation continue to put toxins in our body? It is POISON!

What would happen if you gave medication to a healthy person? Would they not become sick? Why then would you give it to a sick person? We say we have a "health care crisis" but continue to use the same medical interventions...that is insanity defined (doing the same thing and expecting a different result). We consume 90% of the worlds pharmaceuticals and are near the bottom in overall health, yet are still slow to seek change. Real change would be decreasing our reliance on medicine and taking responsibility for our own health...NOT getting on the latest and greatest new superpill.

Surprise, insurance won't pay for you to maintain or expand your health, they propagate the system by forcing you to be sick in order to receive care. With Universal Health Care on the horizon, this is cause for alarm. Using drugs and surgery is sick care, that is treating people who are sick. It has no place in the realm of Health. When you use Sick Care and disguise it as Health Care, you end up with a sick society and a Health Care crisis. Sound familiar?

The bottom line is if you do not have someone helping you to maintain and increase your health, you will surely lose it at some point in the future. Health, like finances, requires us to take responsibility to secure a happy, long life. Be proactive, seek out wellness, get adjusted regularly. If you do not have a Wellness Chiropractor or health coach, please come in for a consultation with me. It is up to us to create change.

In Health,

Dr. Cole

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Cost of Getting and Staying Well


"Nobody's safe! Health insurance? That did not protect 1 million Americans who were financially ruined by illness or medical bills last year." - Elizabeth Warren, Harvard University

It is clear that our current health care model does not work. People are not physically or emotionally well. Oddly, rather than figuring out a model that does work, the focus has been on, "How do we pay for it?" 

Now, new Harvard research shows, even if you are insured, insurance does not help you financially either! A March, 2009 Time Magazine, Cover Story was named "So You Think You Are Insured?" showed the real facts. Harvard studied 1700 bankruptcies. Researchers found that medical problems were behind half of them. The shocking fact was 75% of these people bankrupted by medicine actually had insurance coverage!! 

Every 30 seconds in the United States, someone files for bankruptcy in the aftermath of a serious health problem. Even in the midst of a housing crisis more than 25% of them said the reason they cannot pay the mortgage was due to medical debt. 1.5 million families lose their home to foreclosure each year due to unaffordable medical bills not an unaffordable mortgage.
There is no such thing as 100% coverage. If you allow yourself to become ill, the fact is that the uncovered percent can cost you everything. So, the bottom line is insurance cannot get you well and in the long run, does not save you money.

It might be easier to bear the medical bankruptcy if the return was a cured disease. If you had the choice between keeping all of your money and being sick or dead or giving up your money and being well the choice is easy. Unfortunately, you spend all of your money and you are still sick. You are broke, and still broken.


The question we should ask is not, "Do you take my insurance?" The questions should be, "Are you the best person to help me and my family be well?" Because, whether you are uncovered, covered, or partially covered other than in the case of emergency, Western medicine has failed as a whole. So what difference does it make to how you pay?

There are tremendous amounts of scientific, long term studies done on large sample groups that show that there is a direct correlation between better living and preventing pain, illness, disease, and prolonging life. So obviously, if you spent your time, money, and insurance premiums on tools and treatments designed to build your body's health you would not only be well, you would likely avoid a bankruptcy hearing. People will often say, "I do not have the time to exercise," "I do not have the money for Chiropractic if it is not 'covered,'" or "I cannot make it to one of the Weekly Wellness classes or events because I am working or have my kids softball game." 

Yet, ask any child who has lost a parent to heart disease or cancer or has a grandparent who can no longer play with them because they are crippled with pain or illness if they would rather have them around and well or have them never miss a single ball game or day of work?
ALSO, skipping care you need now in order to save a few thousand dollars can equal medical bankruptcy or literally tens or even hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars later. 

Any financial expert will tell you the reason for the current financial crisis is ultimately shortsightedness on behalf of the people. To skimp on your health care now because money is tight and then end up being unable to work or function and with tens of thousands of dollars in medical expenses later is exactly the kind of thinking that leads you to economic ruin. It is simple math, investing in wellness now pays dividends tomorrow.

-- from Dr. Ben Lerner and Dr. Greg Loman

Exactly, Insurance pays for sick care, but will not even touch Health Care. It is your responsibility to create and maintain health, and your safest investment. Come see why we are the Headquarters for the Family Wellness Movement -- Trinity Chiropractic Wellness

Live in abundance,

Dr. Cole

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Why Chiropractic IS Wellness

What is Wellness?  It is a ten-cent word that is heard everywhere and has effectively lost its meaning.  You see “wellness” at local gyms, in the supermarket, on pharmaceuticals, and at physical therapists, but it is never truly explained or measured.  I find this aggravating because Wellness is the core of my vision for this community, and I am taking a moment to explain what it truly is.

To talk about wellness, you must know what it is.  Wellness defined is “the degree to which an individual experiences health and vitality in any dimension of life.”  What keeps us from experiencing health and vitality?  Stress (physical, biochemical, emotional).  Stress includes everything from injuries to poor nutritional choices to a sedentary lifestyle, and it puts your body in “survival mode.”  When stress occurs, one of two things happen:

  1. You deal with it immediately
  2. Store it in your nervous system

Our technology will let us measure the lifestyle stress that you have been keeping within, and how it is affecting your nervous system and general health.  I mention this because there are two things you can do with stress:

  1. Medicate it so you don’t feel it, but it still kills you
  2. Come see me so we can develop a plan to release it.

When you are in survival mode, you are not growing, adapting, and healing like you should.  This brings me to how wellness is possible!  It is because your nervous system learns, which means that your body adapts.  Only a chiropractic adjustment reprograms the nervous system, so when you keep someone adjusted they stay out of survival mode and the nervous system can start learning from its environment and expand its efficiency, which increases your health and vitality.  

I believe to claim wellness, you have to measure wellness.  Because of this, we have invested in NASA certified technology that measures the efficiency and performance of your body and nervous system.  It is the same technology used on the Indianapolis Colts, Baltimore Ravens, and USA Olympians.  Whatever your wellness goals may be, we will deliver on the promise.

In Health and Happiness

Dr. Cole

Monday, April 20, 2009

How does one attain Wellness in today's environment?

We will begin by addressing Stress, which is at the root of most health problems. Stress has 3 dimensions, but interestingly enough they affect your body in the same way.
1.Physical Stress – Car accident, repetitive injury, poor posture, exercise
2.Biochemical Stress – what you eat, what you drink, pollutants, skin products
3.Psychological Stress – the emotional aspect – work, home, financial (this is how you can “think yourself sick.”)
Stress can be good (eustress) or bad (distress). For instance, eating healthy, drinking water, and exercising are all a form of stress that benefit you positively. Conversely eating fast food, drinking soda, and low physical activity all work against your body cumulatively. Lets see how stress changes your body.

Stress » Muscles » Joints » Nervous System
Stress puts your body in a defensive mode, known as fight or flight. Your body reacts the same way to the stress of running away from a bear as it would to your computer crashing when you did not save your work, or a supersized value meal. When your body assumes this defensive mode it is focused on survival, not on healing, growing, and becoming more efficient.
Stress will first affect your muscles, making them tight. Since muscles move bones, if the stress is not dealt with, it begins to change or limit your joints movement. Joints have position sensors that tell your brain their location at all times (close your eyes and have someone move your finger up & down, you will know which way it is going). When the joints are not moving properly for long enough, it changes the nervous system control of the body. Since nerves control every muscle, organ, gland, and cell in your body, if they are not working at 100% your body is not regulating at 100% and not repairing/healing at 100%.

As stress from the 3 dimensions affect us, it drives our level of health (and immune system) down. If stress overwhelms our body’s ability to adapt, we exhibit symptoms (pain, cold, flu, digestive problems, etc…). This is when we are traditionally taught to seek help, and once the symptoms are gone most people think they are healthy even though they are barely above that threshold of having symptoms. Receiving regularly scheduled Chiropractic care, even when you do not have symptoms releases the deeply held stress from the nerves, joints, and muscles. This results in increasing your body’s ability to handle stress, adapt to the environment, and approach optimum health. When you approach optimum health you build up a buffer against lifestyle stress so you no longer fall into symptoms/poor health. This is why Wellness is impossible without Chiropractic, because getting adjusted increases your potential for health. This was demonstrated in the ten-year Alternative Medicine Integration Study conducted by Richard Sarnat, MD. The results proved that regular utilization of Chiropractic care in the absence of symptoms led to:
60.2% decrease in hospital admissions
59% decrease in days stayed at the hospital
62% decrease in oupatient surgeries and procedures
85% decrease in pharmaceutical costs

What does this mean to you? Happier, healthier, well-adjusted families that have more energy and a better immune system. Come join our Wellness revolution today!

In Health,

Dr. Cole

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Chiropractic in the News - "The Cutting-Edge of Wellness"

Some news that does not get the publicity it needs:

The Prime Minister of Japan stated that Chiropractic is "the cutting edge of wellness."

"Interference to the nervous system results in permanent damage in a short period of time and therefore, Chiropractic care should begin at birth on a preventative basis." Dr. Arpad De Nagy, Rockefeller Institute

"Subluxations decrease the Genetic potential of the human species." Ronald Pero, Ph.D. (a subluxation is interference in the nervous system)

Latent Spinal Cord and Brain Stem Injury in New Born Infants
Dr. Towbin, MD, Harvard Medical points out that seven of the eight of the SIDS infant cadavers he performed autopsy on, died from spinal injury with neurovascular damage. Dr. Towbin describes various clinical neonatal spinal cord and brain stem injury groups. In the first group, death of the neonate occurs during the course of labor or soon after birth. The second group, is composed of newborns with cord or brainstem damage who survive for days. The third group are infants who survive for long periods, often for years. Under this group, Dr. Towbin describes a subgroup, or the fourth group. “…there must exist a large number of instances with mild injury, with minimal neurologic symptoms, going unnoticed clinically, or being relegated to the category of cerebral palsy.”
Can the Vertebral Subluxation Complex be caused at birth ? Yes. Can the Vertebral Subluxation Complex cause an early death in some of these cases? Yes. Abraham Towbin, MD. Neuropathologist, Harvard Medical School.

Why isn't this on the front page of every paper? Why do we waste billions on drugs and surgery?

Lets do a logic exercise...
1. We know that the body is self-healing and self-regulating (you heart beats, you digest, cuts on your skin heal without you thinking about it)

We know that the Nervous System controls every organ and cell in your body (it coordinates over 2 million functions inside you every minute!)

THEREFORE if you interfere with the Nervous System, you necessarily interfere with the body's ability to heal and regulate, regardless if you have pain or not.

2. We know the far-reaching negative effects of stress on the body, and how most diseases are stress and lifestyle related. We also know that there is physical, psychological, and biochemical stressors that contribute.

Your body can handle a set amount of "normal stress," anything over that puts your body in defensive mode (called fight or flight) that stores stress in your muscles -> joints -> nerves.

--medicate it so you don't feel it, but it still kills you (in the form of heart disease, diabetes, etc)
--Go see your Chiropractor so you can release deeply held stress, and allow your body to heal from the inside out

A question for you to think on:
If you or your children are taking pharmaceutical drugs, ask yourself "What would happen if I gave these drugs to a healthy person?"
If you need a hint, what would happen if you put a healthy fish in a polluted pond?

In Health & Wellness

Dr. Cole

Motion is Life

God made our bodies as a phenomenally complex grouping of nerves, muscles, joints, and bones that intimately work together to achieve Motion. This is why we say thatMotion is Life, and is the key to maintaining a high quality of life and feeling youthful.

Our entire body was designed for movement: nerves signal the contraction of muscles, muscles then act as levers moving bones, and bones can only move when muscles cross joints. Nerves also give the brain feedback about the motion that is occurring.

Current research has demonstrated how vital motion is for our overall health. In fact, a lack a motion has negative effects on our ability to concentrate, the strength of our immune system, emotional health, energy levels, digestion, sleep cycles, and even life span! If you are lacking in motion, your body will begin to degenerate prematurely.

How can lack of motion manifest? Aside from deteriorating mental and physical health, you can experience many symptoms such as hypertension, headaches, and anxiety. The lack of energy and impairment of focus will make you less productive at work and home, and because you have less energy, your activity levels will tend to decrease as time goes on. This gets you caught in the downward spiral of decreased energy and activity until you are physically exhausted at the end of each day, even if you work at a desk all day long.

As a Chiropractor, I work to restore motion to the body by releasing tension from immobile joints. This stimulates the nerves that control the muscles that move your joints, allowing your own God-given ability to heal and restore your body from the inside out!

Bottom Line 
1. Physical health, mental health, and emotional health are all linked to Motion.
2. Drugs and Doctors do not heal, only your body and Creator can do that. 
3. All I do is facilitate change and restore motion.

In Health and Happiness,

Dr. Cole