Monday, December 21, 2009

The Great Deception


"Pharmaceutical industry is a giant fraud

The pharmaceutical industry, as operated today, is based almost entirely on scientific fraud, bribery of doctors, misleading advertising and corrupt regulatory agencies like the FDA. Most prescription medications simply don't help most people. They only mask symptoms while ignoring the underlying causes of disease.

Nearly all pharmaceuticals are sold with the Big Lie... the implied (but false) promise that "These drugs will make you healthier." That's why drug ads always show happy, healthy people popping their pills. (Well, technically they never even show them popping the pills. They just show them doing yoga, hiking in the woods, or whatever looks good.)

I can't think of a single pharmaceutical that actually makes you healthier. Almost universally, prescription medications cause long-term damage to the heart, liver, kidneys and nervous system. Over time, they erode your health, accelerate your apparent aging and promote chronic degenerative disease."

Couldn't have said it better myself. Health is something you work on and work towards. It isn't contained in a pill, liquid, or vaccine. We all know that if you put toxic chemicals in a pond, the fish will die...why can we not figure out that the same things happen with our bodies? Everyday I see people looking in the wrong places for health, when the truth is that the promise of health is within each one of us.

Here is an article where children can get a pizza party for taking their swine flu shots. I did not believe this article was real, it is almost completely unfathomable that companies are enticing children to get injected.

WWake up people! Your health is yours to nurture or lose. Your body is always moving towards health & wellness, or towards sickness & death. If your determination is that you are moving the wrong way, I invite you to make a change, and I am here for you.

Dr. Cole

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