Thursday, May 7, 2009

Why Chiropractic IS Wellness

What is Wellness?  It is a ten-cent word that is heard everywhere and has effectively lost its meaning.  You see “wellness” at local gyms, in the supermarket, on pharmaceuticals, and at physical therapists, but it is never truly explained or measured.  I find this aggravating because Wellness is the core of my vision for this community, and I am taking a moment to explain what it truly is.

To talk about wellness, you must know what it is.  Wellness defined is “the degree to which an individual experiences health and vitality in any dimension of life.”  What keeps us from experiencing health and vitality?  Stress (physical, biochemical, emotional).  Stress includes everything from injuries to poor nutritional choices to a sedentary lifestyle, and it puts your body in “survival mode.”  When stress occurs, one of two things happen:

  1. You deal with it immediately
  2. Store it in your nervous system

Our technology will let us measure the lifestyle stress that you have been keeping within, and how it is affecting your nervous system and general health.  I mention this because there are two things you can do with stress:

  1. Medicate it so you don’t feel it, but it still kills you
  2. Come see me so we can develop a plan to release it.

When you are in survival mode, you are not growing, adapting, and healing like you should.  This brings me to how wellness is possible!  It is because your nervous system learns, which means that your body adapts.  Only a chiropractic adjustment reprograms the nervous system, so when you keep someone adjusted they stay out of survival mode and the nervous system can start learning from its environment and expand its efficiency, which increases your health and vitality.  

I believe to claim wellness, you have to measure wellness.  Because of this, we have invested in NASA certified technology that measures the efficiency and performance of your body and nervous system.  It is the same technology used on the Indianapolis Colts, Baltimore Ravens, and USA Olympians.  Whatever your wellness goals may be, we will deliver on the promise.

In Health and Happiness

Dr. Cole

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