Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Cost of Getting and Staying Well


"Nobody's safe! Health insurance? That did not protect 1 million Americans who were financially ruined by illness or medical bills last year." - Elizabeth Warren, Harvard University

It is clear that our current health care model does not work. People are not physically or emotionally well. Oddly, rather than figuring out a model that does work, the focus has been on, "How do we pay for it?" 

Now, new Harvard research shows, even if you are insured, insurance does not help you financially either! A March, 2009 Time Magazine, Cover Story was named "So You Think You Are Insured?" showed the real facts. Harvard studied 1700 bankruptcies. Researchers found that medical problems were behind half of them. The shocking fact was 75% of these people bankrupted by medicine actually had insurance coverage!! 

Every 30 seconds in the United States, someone files for bankruptcy in the aftermath of a serious health problem. Even in the midst of a housing crisis more than 25% of them said the reason they cannot pay the mortgage was due to medical debt. 1.5 million families lose their home to foreclosure each year due to unaffordable medical bills not an unaffordable mortgage.
There is no such thing as 100% coverage. If you allow yourself to become ill, the fact is that the uncovered percent can cost you everything. So, the bottom line is insurance cannot get you well and in the long run, does not save you money.

It might be easier to bear the medical bankruptcy if the return was a cured disease. If you had the choice between keeping all of your money and being sick or dead or giving up your money and being well the choice is easy. Unfortunately, you spend all of your money and you are still sick. You are broke, and still broken.


The question we should ask is not, "Do you take my insurance?" The questions should be, "Are you the best person to help me and my family be well?" Because, whether you are uncovered, covered, or partially covered other than in the case of emergency, Western medicine has failed as a whole. So what difference does it make to how you pay?

There are tremendous amounts of scientific, long term studies done on large sample groups that show that there is a direct correlation between better living and preventing pain, illness, disease, and prolonging life. So obviously, if you spent your time, money, and insurance premiums on tools and treatments designed to build your body's health you would not only be well, you would likely avoid a bankruptcy hearing. People will often say, "I do not have the time to exercise," "I do not have the money for Chiropractic if it is not 'covered,'" or "I cannot make it to one of the Weekly Wellness classes or events because I am working or have my kids softball game." 

Yet, ask any child who has lost a parent to heart disease or cancer or has a grandparent who can no longer play with them because they are crippled with pain or illness if they would rather have them around and well or have them never miss a single ball game or day of work?
ALSO, skipping care you need now in order to save a few thousand dollars can equal medical bankruptcy or literally tens or even hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars later. 

Any financial expert will tell you the reason for the current financial crisis is ultimately shortsightedness on behalf of the people. To skimp on your health care now because money is tight and then end up being unable to work or function and with tens of thousands of dollars in medical expenses later is exactly the kind of thinking that leads you to economic ruin. It is simple math, investing in wellness now pays dividends tomorrow.

-- from Dr. Ben Lerner and Dr. Greg Loman

Exactly, Insurance pays for sick care, but will not even touch Health Care. It is your responsibility to create and maintain health, and your safest investment. Come see why we are the Headquarters for the Family Wellness Movement -- Trinity Chiropractic Wellness

Live in abundance,

Dr. Cole

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