Wednesday, July 29, 2009

You Were Born to Be Healthy

According to common beliefs in genetics, God has a plan to give you hope and a future only if you’ve chosen your grandparents carefully. The belief is that if I have bad genetics, I’m cursed. Fortunately, science has proven that despite your genes, there is hope.

In a 2002 study called Balancing Life-style and Genomics Research for Disease Prevention, Dr. W.C. Willet revealed that only 5% of all cancer and heart disease comes from hereditary factors. The rest come from lifestyle choices such as how we think, live, eat, and deal with our health.

When it comes to cellular success, it is nurture and not nature that makes the biggest difference. The vast majority of diseases we face aren’t due to poor DNA. Single gene disorders affect less than two percent of the population. That means that 95-98% of us are born with the ability to live with outrageous health and incredible happiness. Mostly, we’re born with hope and a future. These new discoveries show us that there is an on-going creative power in our life and we are not “fated” at birth to feel a certain way, act a certain way, behave a certain way, and die a certain way at a certain time. NO. At this point we know that we have something to say about that. The diseases, depression, aches, and pain we face today are not a result of dysfunctional grandparents, but because we’ve lived and thought in such a way that created disharmony in our bodies.

God has a plan for your life; the question is “Are you on the plan?” It is your environment and not your genes that make the difference. If your lifestyle lines up with God’s plan for your body and you provide a healthy environment for your cells they will thrive. Get off of the plan and the cells falter. By the grace of God, if you’ve been causing your cells to suffer in a less than advantageous environment and they become sick, you can improve that environment so that they can become well.

God’s common sense plan for a good environment:

• Keep all your parts
• An optimal spine = optimal function
• Move
• Keep out artificial invaders as much as possible: medications, other chemicals,
and refined, artificial, chemical-laden, or genetically modified foods
• Lots of food still in their natural state

If any of the above five is ignored, it will alter this safe internal environment, throw it out of balance and cause chaos in the cellular community. This will create an incredible disadvantage to survival and reduce quality of life. It will show up as pain, depression, disease, and a failure to thrive. The quick fix of choice may be medication. While this may be necessary in emergency situations, chemicals do not create harmony, order or balance, they disrupt it. The real solution is to embrace what is necessary to get back on God’s plan once again so the body can restore, rejuvenate and heal. A plan with hope and a future.

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