Wednesday, February 17, 2010

One body, One life

At each moment, you are either moving towards health & wellness and away from sickness and disease, or you are moving towards sickness & disease and away from health and wellness.  If your determination is that you are moving the wrong way, then let this be a wake up call for you.
The things that are killing most people are preventable lifestyle diseases!  Heart disease, Cancer, Diabetes.  The fourth largest killer is the solution for those problems: drugs and surgery (see Journal of the American Medical Association)!   We are doing something wrong, we need to refresh our thinking.  Health is and has always been a personal responsibility.  That is why insurance companies do not pay for health, they pay for symptoms.  Does your insurance company pay to change the oil in your car?  Get it aligned?  Put a roof on your house?  NO, because that is your responsibility.  Insurance pays for accidents, and once the symptom is gone, then it is your job to create health.  You need insurance for accidents, but don’t expect it to keep you healthy.  Unlike a car or a house, you only get one body, one nervous system.  This is about asking the right questions: What does it take for a body to be healthy?  How can I shift my body towards better health/balance?  Are you the right person to take care of my family and I?

The way to insure your health is to stay active, get adjusted, eat right, guard your mind, spend time with God.  This insurance pays dividends of increased energy, increased immune system, increased metabolism, increased peace.  Well worth the investment because it enriches your life, not managing your disease and symptoms.  The biggest lie we have is a Sick care system that calls itself Health care.  When you give sick care to a nation and call it health care, you end up with a sick society and a healthcare crisis.  Sound familiar?  It places the cause of your health outside of you, and as we all know deep down, the cause of most of our problems can be found in the mirror.

In Health, 

Dr. Cole

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